endemic disease

英 [enˈdemɪk dɪˈziːz] 美 [enˈdemɪk dɪˈziːz]




  1. Despite these challenges, two vaccine candidates have advanced to evaluation in human subjects in countries with endemic disease, and several potential vaccines are in earlier stages of development.
  2. The Synthetical Evaluation about TB Control of Counties in Jining City Information retrieval of archiving in prevention and treatment for endemic disease
  3. Information retrieval of archiving in prevention and treatment for endemic disease
  4. Environmental disasters like endemic waterborne disease due to inadequate sewage treatment in faraway nations do not fit this category.
  5. An endemic disease of the chest among miners
  6. This paper described the high iodine endemic goiter which is a new endemic disease over the world.
  7. Selenium in ecological environment and endemic disease
  8. The thinking about the rural endemic disease of our country with poor type& Taking GuiZhou Province endemic disease and Fluorine are poisoned for the example
  9. Analysis of present condition of endemic disease prevention in Shanxi province
  10. Analysis of Yearly Report on Endemic Disease in Shaanxi Province in 2001
  11. Studies on the selenium in environment of endemic disease areas ── the levels and forms of selenium
  12. This study was carried out with the collaboration of Jiangsu Province CDC and Sihong County CDC, and supported by The Association of Jiangsu Province for Endemic Disease Control and Prevention ( Project No.: X200327).
  13. Recent studies indicate that endemic arseniasis possesses not only the chronic poisoning characteristic of endemic disease but also the characteristic of bursting into serious disease under special condition.
  14. All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Endemic Disease Control of Datong City, Shanxi Province.
  15. Continue to strengthen magnitude diseases control, especially prevent and control HIV, TB, Hepatitis B, schistosomiasis, endemic disease, emphasis on disease surveillance, keep away the biochemistry terroristic act;
  16. A research of the relationship between pituitary-thyroid axis and physical development in 42 cases of Qinghai endemic disease was reported, The pituitary enlargement in cretins was revealed by CT scan.
  17. Because remote sensing could provide plenty message for the epidemiology research, it got widely application in the research of natural focus disease, parasitic disease, and endemic disease after Cline suggested the first time that the remote sensing could be useful in epidemiology study.
  18. An unknown endemic disease of equine in Qingshui County of Gan-su Province in China was studied and confirmed to be Se-deficiency due to low Se content in feeds and water.
  19. The control plan of key endemic disease in western region of China
  20. Test Study on Colloid Cement Slurry for Well Construction in High Prevalence Area of Endemic Disease
  21. Through the investigating of the eco geological environment of Siping district, the comprehensive environmental circumstance assessment of water, soil, air, regional stability, biological resources, stratigraphic condition, radioactivity, mineral deposits, endemic disease, tourism geology and waste was carried out.
  22. Iodine deficiency disorders ( IDD) is a syndrome with varying retardations of growth, development and metabolic function caused by iodine deficiency in living environment, which is a sort of endemic disease widely prevalent in the world.
  23. Methods Reviewing the historical experiences, the control fruits, and the problems, forecasting prospects the outlook of endemic disease control.
  24. The new disease entity burning sensation disease is a common endemic disease prevalent in certain rural districts in China where cotton is grown.
  25. However, endemic diseases are still a serious threat to the local population to health. The endemic disease is a restriction of the economic and social development of negative factors.
  26. These studies can provide reliable and theoretical basis for prevention and treatment of Kaschin-Beck disease. Also they can lay a foundation for medical workers to improve the level of treatment and research endemic disease.
  27. Iodine Deficiency Disorders ( IDD) is an endemic disease that is most widely distributed and with the largest number of victims.
  28. Whether the infection diseases are extinct or become endemic disease are turning into significant research projects combined with theoretical and practical means about epidemiology and mathematics. It helps to predict infectious diseases tendency and to design the prevention and control of the disease.



  1. a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location

      Synonym:    endemic